Automated ACI Testing with NetDevOps Through Services as Code and CAIT
The Cisco Continuous Automation and Integration Testing (CAIT) service utilizes CX Test Automation Manager (CXTM) as a test automation solution to accelerate customer adoption of new technologies and IT services in their own networks. A key benefit of CXTM lies in the easy-to-use automation with open-source Robot Framework and the thousands of Robot keywords offered as part of the reusable test libraries for interacting with both Cisco and third-party devices alike. In addition to an intuitive GUI, using Python, Terraform, and CXTM for deployment and testing operations. For the testing stages of the pipeline, participants will create test automation using CXTM as part of the CAIT service add-on to validate an ACI fabric deployed using Services as Code (SaC) with ACI as Code (AaC).

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